Enhance Appearance + Quality
Say Hello to Extended Freshness and Shine

Flair S1™ is a new plant-based formula designed to accompany our Extend and Protect products to give citrus packers an all-in-one solution improving shelf-life, quality and appearance.
Outstanding Plant-Based Performance
In commercial trials, Flair S1 consistently outperformed legacy wax formulations and resins, providing packers with more efficient and reliable results.
The Flair S1 Advantage

- Longer Lasting Shine
- No MRLs
- Eliminate Plastic Use & Non-Vegan Ingredients
- Expand Into New Markets
- Retain Firmness & Extend Freshness
- Reduce Overpack
- Reduce Or Eliminate Heat Drying
- Achieve Higher Fruit Throughput
- Consolidate Treatment Steps
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